Thursday 11 April 2013

Want a Soothing Sunburnt?? e45 does the job!!

I went hiking last weekend with the sun shining brightly. Despite slapping on sunscreen, my face was badly burnt.

Despite using aloe vera gel, it was stinging my face due to alcohol content. I then remembered BzzAgent had sent me e45 products to test. I decided to use the e45 fragrance free moisturizing lotion which was for sensitive skin. It  helped to soothe & kept my skin moisturize better than aloe vera gel. I started using it on Day 2 and by Day 5 the results were very good (see before & after pic). 

Absolutely grrrreeeeat product!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Totally Converted!!

I have heard & seen e45 on the shelves but never did try it previously partly due to price. So I was really excited when I as a BzzAgent was chosen to test it. I had previously tested for Vanish Oxi Action and was excited about my second campaign. The great thing about being a BzzAgent, I am able to be totally open with my thoughts about products that I'm testing, be it yay or nay, my honest opinion is important. I was sent 2 bottles - Nourish & Restore & Fragrance Free Moisturizing Lotion along with some samples.

I started using Nourish & Restore immediately. I loved how the lotion is absorbed easily into my skin and keeping it smooth & supple throughout the day. My back which is relatively dry is now silky smooth :) I was converted and decided to share with my gym friends. I told them I was a BzzAgent and currently trying out e45 products with superb results and wanted them to try out as well. 

I recommended the fragrance free moisturizing lotion to my partner (he knows I'm a BzzAgent and have been receiving samples/vouchers) who had sensitive skin and had adverse reactions to other moisturizers/lotions before. So he was skeptical at first but tried it on his face. His forehead and sides of his nose which was very dry and peeling most of the time was replaced with smooth skin. another convert :) 

Last weekend, we went hiking and was under the sun for 5 hours. My face was sunburnt despite slapping on sunscreen. Putting aloe vera gel on it hurt due to alcohol content. I took a chance with fragrance free moisturizing lotion and yay! some relief for me & my skin.

Overall, really pleased & impressed with both products and the results I have seen on me & others. Am totally converted!